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An Activity can be anything from a Movie Night or other party, to a Wedding Reception or Holiday Ball. Each activity is assigned a Location (from a list of locations you control), and optionally, a description, and a time frame.
MemberTies Professional expands the standard Activity feature to let you associate members and track income and expenses. Several additional activity reports are also included.
Attendees: You can assign any number of membership records, any number of times to any activity. Each member can have a Role (the part they play in the activity), an Attendance Status (whether they were invited, present, student, teacher, no-shows, etc.), a start and end date/time, and general comments.

Income & Expense: You can assign income and expense items to the activity or to a specific attendee. Each item has an amount and a description.

Files: Like member and group records, files on your computer can be related to the activity as well.