Maintaining Custom Fields

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Maintaining Custom Fields

Any number of custom fields can be defined for membership records or group records. Custom fields can be used to store virtually any kind of data you wish. You can specify the label that will appear for the field, the type of data to be stored, how it will be displayed, and how the field can be used.

Note: After adding or significantly changing a custom field definition, MemberTies must be restarted to reload the available fields.

Maintaining Custom Fields

1.On the Home ribbon, choose Lists from the Settings section.

2.On the System Lists window, expand the Custom Fields section.

3.Choose Member Custom Fields or Group Custom Fields as appropriate.

4. The following fields are available:

Field Label - the label that will appear next to the data entry field

Data Type - data type determines the kind of information that the field will store:

oText - This is the default data type. A text field can hold up to 40 characters of alphanumeric data. Text data types can be displayed as a standard field, a list, or a switch.

oDate - A date field stores a full date, including month, day, and year, in the same format as other date fields in the system (it uses the Short Date format defined for your computer Regional Settings). Date data types can only be displayed as a standard field for a single value.

oNumber - A number field stores up to a 9 digit number, with no decimal places. Number data types can be displayed as a standard field, or a list.

oDecimal - A decimal field stores up to a 7 digit number, followed by 2 decimal digits (i.e., 1234567.89).

oCurrency - for monetary values, this which will cause the field to display using the Currency format defined for your computer Regional Settings.

Limit - for text and numeric fields, the maximum number of characters or digits that can be entered

Field Style - controls the way the field will interact with the user (you).

o(default) - a standard field that accepts the data of the selected type. i.e., a standard text, numeric, decimal, or date field. Use this type when the entry doesn't have to be controlled at all.

oList - A list filled with the values you specify. A selection must be made from the values in the list, or the field must be left blank (unless marked as required). Use this type when you want to require a specific entry to ensure consistent data. One list item can be selected as the default value to be used automatically on new records.

oList (Editable) - Identical to the List type, except the user can type an entry that is not one of the choices in the list. Typing a new entry doesn't change the available list values. (Think of it as an override entry.) Use this format when you want the list to provide basic choices, but need to allow for unforeseen entries. One list item can be selected as the default value to be used automatically on new records.

oCheckbox - this option is only available when the Data Type is Text. A "checkbox" displays as the Yes/No switch.

Sort Order - indicates the order on the screen (top to bottom) in which the field will appear for data-entry.

Required - indicates that the field must always have a value.  If this option is selected, a Default Value must also be provided.

Default Value - the value that will be used automatically on new records, or on imported records when no value is provided.  Required fields must always have a default value set, otherwise it is optional. Note: If the field is defined as a List, the default value is set for one of the list values.

Available To

oData Imports - controls whether the field can be selected as a target for data import

oAdvanced Criteria - controls whether the field can be used as part of an advanced search

oReports and Views* - controls whether the field can be added to and displayed on reports and views

oEmails* - controls whether the field will appear in the Field List for embedding in emails

oFront Desk Search* - controls whether the field will appear on the Front Desk window as a search field


Creating a List Field

1.When the Field Style is set to List, an Edit icon will appear next to the Field Style field.  

2.Click Edit to modify the records in the list.

3. The following fields are available for each list record:

Value - the value for the field. The value must conform to the data type of the field.

Sort Order - the order in which the value will appear in the list. When the sort orders match, the list sorts alphabetically by value.

Default - indicates the default selection for the list


* Professional Version Only