Release Notes
Version 5.1.4 (01 February 2023)
- General
- The Check for Updates preference now includes an option to ignore minor builds. This prevents an update notification when only a minor change was made (i.e., from 5.1.3.X to 5.1.3.Y)
because this normally represents a bug fix that has limited scope and may not apply to everyone.
- Members
- The ability to select a random set of member records from the current membership list is now available again. This was removed when v5.0 was created under the assumption
that nobody used it. Since it was asked about, we've recreated it. The feature is intended to make it easy to select a "winner" for things like monthly drawings or other prizes
from a subset of members.
- A new "Middle Initial Period" membership preference now controls whether the system automatically appends a period to single-character middle names on member and friend/family
records. Punctuation is frowned upon by the postal service, so this enables you to keep addresses clean.
- The "Suggested End Date" financial preference has been extended to also allow you to set a specific day/month,
or day/month/year for the new End Date suggestion, in addition to the existing option to increment the date by a number of
months. If the Day/Month option is used, the suggested date will be the current or following year, depending on whether
the date has already passed. If the Day/Month/Year option is used, the suggested date will be exactly what is specified.
- Reports
- The settings for the Membership History report now enable you to choose which statuses to include on the report.
Problems/Issues Fixed
- Using two times on the same day when bulk assigning attendance from the Membership List causes an error that the start date must preceed the end date, even when the times are in the correct order.
- When applying a new license, an error that another copy of the program is already running sometimes appears when the system restarts with the new license information.
- Using certain reserved words as a name when creating a new database causes an error.
- A system crash occurs when the program is idle and the monitor it is currently displayed on goes away (i.e., a laptop goes to sleep and loses the monitor connection).
- If the Database Toolkit is started and the local database server is not running, the toolkit tools are disabled but the "server not running" message does not appear so you don't know why things are disabled.
- An error occurs when some unicode placeholder characters are part of an email message or subject. These typically appear when copied from another word processor. The system now attempts to strip these invalid characters out.
- The Add Postings window does not allow posting a zero amount.
- When the Forgot Password option is used on the login window, the password was reset even if there wasn't an email address on file.
Now the password will not be changed unless there is an email address set to send it to.
- When a To Do item is copied, the Created Date should change to the current date, and the Completed flag should be cleared.
- When entering comments on a To Do item, the field should allow a carriage return.
- An error occurs on the Build Email List window if you choose to save it to a file, then cancel the Choose File dialog. (
- If you run a report and retrieve data, the click Settings to open the search window again, then click cancel, and error occurs when trying to print the previously retrieved report. (
- A "file in use" error occurs when performing a backup when the machine doesn't release the backup file immediately after the server closes it. (
- The new Automatic Update preference setting always displays as On for the mtadmin user, and off for everyone else. All of the update settings are System preferences, so they should display the same for everyone. (
- The Compact Membership List 2 report, which shows a checkmark for the Include in Mailings setting, shows an error on any record where that setting is Off. It should just show a blank space where the checkmark would be. (
- An invalid profile for a remote connection causes misleading errors when the login fails rather than showing the error and exiting. (
- When entering an assigned item on a member or group, the save button does not enable if only a category and item are selected. Some other field must be changed to activate the button. (
- The Item Name displayed in the list changes when clicking different records on the Assigned Items list, even though the actual value isn't really changing. (
- Double-clicking in the scrollbar area of a list causes the currently selected record to open instead of just scrolling. (
- A crash occurs on the Quick Assign activity window if an activity is not selected. (
- An error occurs on the group Add Postings window if you leave the posting type set to the default option because the system doesn't think a choice has been made. (
- PDF documents attached to an email aren't recognized as viewable on an iPhone but display normally on a PC. (
- An error occurs when the backup is unable to access the completed backup file, but the error isn't displayed. (