Release Notes
Version 5.1.0 (14 October 2022)
- General
- Workspaces will automatically default to maximized when opening.
- Members
- The last updated by date and user now displays on the member record in the lower right corner.
- Deposits
- When adding a new deposit, the deposit number will default to the max existing deposit number +1.
Problems/Issues Fixed
- Display issues on high-dpi monitors with scaling set above 100% should be resolved. Note that manually resized windows will not
return to their last size when reopening them. This will be addressed in a future update if we can find a way around associated scaling issues.
- The Check for Updates window does not interpret incremental builds correctly.
- Activities that start and end on the same day do not show in the list of "active" activities on the Front Desk window.
- When adding or deleting postings from a deposit, the total displayed on screen does not always recalculate.
- Many additional windows linked to individual help topics.
- An error occurs when clicking Refresh on the Front Desk window if there are no available activities
- If the Front Desk window only contains a single activity, it is not considered "selected" when opening Unattended Mode